
Individual customer




When you need it, for as long as you need it.


Required Documents for Application




When applying, you will be required to present the following documents that can be used to verify your identity and shipping address.

If the following documents cannot be confirmed at the time of application, the application will not be accepted.

In addition, we will make copies of the documents you provide and keep them for a certain period of time from the start of the contract until all procedures are completed.

個人のお客様 必要書類Required documents for individuals

本人確認書類Identification documents 詳細Details 補助書類Supporting documents
運転免許証Driver's license
  1. 顔写真、現住所が記載で各公安委員会発行で有効期限内のもの。
    (国際免許証は受け付けできません)A valid driver's license issued by the public safety commission with a photo and current address.
    (International driver's licenses are not accepted.)
在留カード(旧 外国人登録証明書)
+外国パスポートResident Card (former Alien Registration Card)
+Foreign passport
  1. 氏名、生年月日、住所が記載で有効期限の記載があるものは有効期限内のもの。
  2. 在留資格が「資格なし」の場合は受け付けできません。
日本国パスポートJapan passport
  1. 日本国政府発行の顔写真、氏名、生年月日が記載で有効期限内のもの。Must be issued by the Japanese government, contain a photo of the applicant's face, name, and date of birth, and be valid.
健康保険証Health insurance card
  1. 氏名、生年月日、住所が記載で有効期限の記載があるものは有効期限内のもの。If the name, date of birth, and address are listed and there is an expiration date on the card, it must be within the expiration date.
  2. 国民健康保険証の場合、保険証発行元の市区町村と申し込み住所の市区町村が同一であること。In the case of the National Health Insurance Card, the municipality that issued the insurance card and the municipality where the application address is located must be the same.
年金手帳Annuity Account
  1. 氏名、生年月日、住所が記載で有効期限の記載があるものは有効期限内のもの。If your name, date of birth, and address are listed and there is an expiration date on it, it must be within the expiration date.※表紙がブルーの年金手帳は「住所欄」がないため受け付けできません。If the cover is blue, it will not be accepted because it does not have an "address field".


Supporting documents
Please present one of the following original documents that are still valid when you bring them to the store.
All "supporting documents" must be issued within 3 months.

補助書類Supporting documents 詳細Details
公共料金の領収書Receipt of utility bills

電気・ガス・水道・NHK受信料などの受領書Receipts for electricity, gas, water, NHK subscription fees, etc.

※住所の記載があり、領収印があるものMust include address and have a receipt stamp.

官公庁発行の印刷物Printed materials issued by public offices

納税通知書・納税証明書・印鑑証明書などの書類Documents such as tax payment notice, tax payment certificate, certificate of seal impression, etc.

※発行元の官公庁名の印字があるものDocuments with the name of the issuing government office printed on them

住民票記載事項証明書(原本)Certificate of registered matters in the resident registry (original)

個人番号(マイナンバー)は印字なしで発行くださいPlease issue your personal number without printing it.

賃貸契約書・物件契約書Rental agreement and property contract

引っ越し先の住所が確認できるものA document that confirms your new address.

When you need it, for as long as you need it.


About Payment



Payment can only be made by credit card at the store.
You will need to come to the store with the necessary documents.

Payment can be made either in full or in monthly installments for the contract period.
The contract will be completed after the payment is completed.

お支払い方法 Payment Method


・現金 ・クレジットカード ・振込

ご利用になれるクレジットカードは、Visa、MasterCard、JCB、American Express、Dinersでございます。

Corporate customers
・Cash ・Credit card ・Bank transfer

Individual customers
・Credit card only

Credit cards accepted are Visa, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, and Diners.

クレジットカードの有効期限切れ、クレジットカードの限度額超過等で、月額利用料金の決済に失敗した場合 In the event that payment of the monthly fee fails due to expiration of the credit card, credit card limit being exceeded, etc.


If you are unable to pay the monthly fee for any reason, please use another payment method as soon as possible.
If you are unable to make the payment, we may suspend your contract and collect the products you are using.
Thank you for your understanding in advance.

When you need it, for as long as you need it.


Furniture & Appliance Rental in Okinawa
  • リサイクルショップストーリー
  • 〒901-2223
  • 沖縄県宜野湾市大山2丁目22番7号伊佐店舗105号室
  • 営業時間11:00~19:00
  • 平日・土日祝営業
  • Recycle Shop Story
  • 901-2223
  • Ginowan, Okinawa
    Room 105, Isa Store, 2-22-7 Oyama, Ginowan City, Okinawa, Japan
  • Business hours11:00~19:00
  • Open weekdays, weekends and holidays